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Summer flu

The flu infection is caused by viruses , not cold. Hence the term "cold" is misleading. We are exposed to a wide variety of viruses all year round. They feel more comfortable in damp and cool surroundings and can attack us better if our mucous membranes are damaged by the cold and dry heating air. Colds are therefore more common in winter - but you can keep us busy in summer too.


Regardless of the season, adults catch a cold on average two to three times a year. In children, the flu infection is even more common because they have contact with many other children in kindergarten and school and their immune system first has to get to know the pathogen. The disease is usually harmless and keeps us busy for about a week.


One of the entry points for the more than 200 annoying cold viruses is the nasal mucosa , which becomes inflamed under the virus attack. As a noticeable sign of a virus attack, it begins to tickle in the nose, on the second day the runny nose begins, which finally stops after a few days. A runny nose, scratchy throat, headache and body aches, but also a slight fever are the typical symptoms of an infection, which is usually triggered by viruses.


A cold in summer is basically similar to winter, but it is often particularly persistent.


Air conditioning in interiors, public transport and in cars is often underestimated. Air conditioning systems can make it easier for pathogens to enter, as they severely dry out the air and, consequently, the mucous membranes.

You can't really shorten the summer flu - you can only treat the symptoms. Those who suffer from obstructed nasal breathing can take nasal sprays or effervescent tablets. For sore throats and coughs, gargle solutions, cough syrups or herbal teas can have a beneficial effect. Old home remedies and medication make the typical cold symptoms more bearable.


Ask in your pharmacy - your pharmacist can give you competent advice on choosing the right remedy.



Difference Between FLU and COLD:
















Consult a doctor immediately if you have symptoms of influenza (especially high fever, pain in the limbs and muscles)! Complications and secondary illnesses of influenza that require treatment can include:


Bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia, myocarditis and meningitis (encephalitis). Influenza can even lead to death in patients who already have health problems. Children and the elderly are particularly at risk of secondary complications.





Source: Austria. Chamber of Pharmacists

Tabelle Influenza Erkältung Symptome Apothekerkammer
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