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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Twrdy

Pollen season - what to do?

The pollen season has begun. Among other things, due to climatic changes, the pollen season is shifting or extending and new, formerly non-native plant species settle with us.

Pollen allergy means, that allergens of windflowers (tree and grass pollen) enter the air during the flowering of the respective plant and are inhaled.

The symptoms of a pollen allergy are frequent sneezing, watery and itchy eyes or scratching in the throat. If you suffer from such symptoms often, please consult a doctor. A test can be used to determine whether you actually suffer from an allergy. (Allergy diagnostics)

For mild allergies, anti-allergic medicines such as nasal sprays or eye-drops are often sufficient.

A therapy is often carried out together with antihistamines in tablet form. These block the receptors for histamine and thus weaken allergic reactions. Antihistamines work around 24 hours a day and are easily digestible.

It's also possible to start an allergen-specific immunotherapy, which stimulates the immune system and thus treats the cause of the allergy. (De- or hyposensitization, allergy vaccination)

A useful tool for everyday life:

I highly recommend the website , which informs you about the daily pollen load. In addition, it now also offers a Telegram notification option.



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